The Tattoo Duo-Over Duolingo

Created at BETC Paris


Every year, thousands of people get tattoos in languages they don’t know, only later to discover (if they’re lucky) the tattoos didn’t say what they thought they did.


For world tattoo day Duolingo launched a service on social media called the tattoo duo over. We invited people to get their foreign language tattoos checked and corrected. All you had to do was tag a picture of your foreign language tattoo with the designated hashtag and one of Duolingo’s language specialists would check to make sure it was correct. Not only did we check thousands of tattoos, we even invited several unlucky ‘winners’ to get their tattoos corrected with the phrase they really wanted at a renown tattoo parlor in Paris.


One Show
  • Social Media:Use generated Content: Gold 2023
  • Social Media:Active Engagement/Call to Action: Gold 2023
  • PR: Brand Voice: Silver 2023
  • Social Media: Stunts & Activations: Silver 2023
  • PR: Community Building: Bronze 2023
  • Direct: Social Media Post: Merit 2023
  • Direct: Non Traditional & Guerrilla: Merit 2023
  • PR: Digital & Online: Merit 2023
  • Direct: Experience & Activation: Gold 2023
  • Media: Social Media: Gold 2023
  • PR: Special Event Activation: Gold 2023
  • Social Media: User Generated Content: Gold 2023
  • Direct: Social Media: Silver
  • Media: Specific Target Audience: Silver
  • PR: Multicultural: Silver
  • Social Media: Single Platform: Bronze
  • Social: Co Creation & User Generated Content: Silver 2022
  • Social & Influencer:Social Insights and engagement: Shortlist 2022
  • PR: Social engagement and influencer: Shortlist 2022
  • Direct: Culture & Context: social behavior: Shortlist 2022
  • Creative Strategy & Audience Insight: Shortlist 2022
  • Brand Experience & Activation: Shortlist 2022
  • Experiential:community: Graphite Pencil
  • PR:Digital & Social: Wood Pencil
  • Digital:social: Wood Pencil
  • Direct: digital: Shortlist
  • Direct: Aquisition & Retention: Shortlist
Gerety Awards
  • Entertainment Cut: Gold 2023
Epica Awards
  • Promotions & Incentives: Silver 2022
Top 30 campaigns of 2022 according to Adweek
  • Tattoo Duo Over was named the 13th best campaign of the year
  • PR Co Creation & Production: Silver 2022
  • PR Social Engagement & Influencer Marketing: Bronze 2022
  • Brand Experience & Activation: Bronze 2022
  • Social & Influencer: Bronze 2022
  • Direct Co Creation & User Generated content: Shortlist 2022
  • Direct Social Behavior: Shortlist 2022
Grand Prix Strategies Digitales
  • Grand Prix 2023
  • Activation campaign: Gold 2023
London International Awards
  • Creativity in PR: Silver 2022
  • Social Media & Influencers: Education: Silver 2022
  • Social Media & Influencers: Use of Twitter: Finalist 2022
French Art Director´s Club
  • Direct: Bronze 2023